februarie 24, 2019 1 Min Citește 1 cometariu
Cat dureaza?Ce instrumente folosim? Important al contrastului. Gândind în avans stilul de luptă. Filme, jocuri video și multe altele: regizorul de artă Benoit Guerville dezvăluie secretele despre proiectarea unor personaje puternice pentru linia miniatură Raging Heroes. În acest videoclip veți afla mai multe despre Doctor von X și tot procesul de la zero la modelul final!
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ianuarie 06, 2024 2 Min Citește
noiembrie 27, 2023 5 Min Citește
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!
Monica Paprocki
martie 19, 2019
Absolutely amazing! I am still in awe of making the Arthenya Vi character as a cosplay and I have been getting a lot of compliments. A bunch of my friends are now going to start working on other characters from the series. Here’s the link to my build:
It’s still a work in progress, but I hope you like it!