Lieutenant Drakkan, Iron Storm Officer + 2 sword options + 2 head options + 25mm round base.
Available in resin or white metal. Heroic 28mm scale.
Originally, this character was named Lieutenant Kotzen, but several readers pointed out that in German, Kotzen meant vomit. So we ran a little poll on Facebook to get some new name suggestions. In the top three was the name Kieta Drachan, which we felt suited her background the best. However, Drachan in French would be pronounced Drashan, so we changed the spelling to keep the hardness in the name.
The Iron Empire is made up of exiled people that have somehow stumbled upon necromantic knowledge from alien pharaonic gods. They combine Prussian and Germanic influences with some kind of Aegyptian cyber necromancy that allow them to raise the dead and create bio-mechanical aberrations.
Collections: - Sci-Fi, All products, Complete Collection, Iron Empire (IE), The TGG
Category: BF_Metal, Hero, Iron Empire (IE), Sci-Fi, TGG
Lieutenant Drakkan, Iron Storm Officer (IE)