Holy Charge EXTENDED Pack (Sisters - F) - Raging Heroes

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Holy Charge EXTENDED Pack (Sisters - F)

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Pack contains 2 (two) kits of 10 Consecrated Sisters + 6 Sacred Lancers.
All parts are swappable with ball-joint assembly for infinite customization.

Box content:

- 2 packs of 5 Consecrated Sisters - COMMAND Group: 5 Multiparts Troopers, All-Different, include 1 Champion, 1 Banner, 1 Musician (includes 5 helmeted heads, 5 hooded heads, 1 extra torso, 1 Extra Sword and 1 extra arm).

- 2 packs of 5 Consecrated Sisters - TROOPS:5 Multiparts Troopers, All-Different (includes 5 helmeted heads, 5 hooded heads and 1 extra weapon).

- The Sacred Lancers Command Group and the Troops:

These Sacred Lancers are an improved version of our former Mounted Knights:
- New Size: this new version is 35 mm(the previous version was 30).
- Horse Design: improved design for a more realistic result!
- Models Recuts: less parts so easier to build!!
- New Bases: Biggers models mean more space, now these models are on 50mm bases!

Finely crafted in resin. Scale is 32-35mm Heroic scale: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Box includes 20 x 25mm round bases + 6 x 50mm round bases.

→ Don't miss our other Charge Packs.
→ And check out the glorious Great Seraphim.


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Holy Charge EXTENDED Pack (Sisters - F)

€169.95 €209.90
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