By pledging via Paypal on the TGG2 Kickstarter, it means that you have read, understood and give your agreement to the following:
Paypal warning & disclaimer:
This is NOT a pre-order shop. This is for Pledging on a Kickstarter. While every effort will be made to ensure that we produce the items for which you are pledging, and while our past track record shows that we have the will and the ability to deliver on our commitment, please be aware that rewards delivery may be later than forecasted, and that there is no guarantee of delivery regarding the rewards being offered upon contribution. For further information please refer to the Risks and Challenges section on the front page of our TGG2 Kickstarter.
To allow us to use Paypal as a Tool for collecting Kickstarter Pledges, we have added these terms, as recommended by Paypal, to clarify that this is pledging for a Kickstarter, and not a pre-order system.