Save with this PACK which includes Avatar of Taïpahnand Avatar of Shaah.
Pack includes:
Finely crafted in resin. No base is provided for either Avatar: Shah will fit on a 130mm oval base and Taïpahn on a 90mm base.
→ See more Packs featuring Taïpahn models, including the TOWERING Packs featuring the Avatar of Taïpahn.
Collections: - Fantasy, - Sci-Fi, All products, Army Packs, Complete Collection, Deals, House Taïpahn (Lust Elves), Lust Elves Fantasy (LE - F), Lust Elves Sci-Fi (LE - SF), The TGG
Category: Fantasy, Large Size, Lust Elves Fantasy (LE - F), Lust Elves SF (LE - SF), Monster, Pack, Pack Monsters, Sci-Fi, TGG
Towering Might Pack (LE - F/SF)