Harpies Command Group and Troops: 10 absolutely stunning multi-parts winged models, including 1 Champion - All parts are swappable with ball-joint assembly for infinite customisation, except for the heads, which are attached to the torsos. (Retail price 33€/box of 5)
+ the Heroines Box Dark Elves 1 (F/SF) (SAVE 14% with this box instead of getting each item separately):
+ the Heroines Box Dark Elves (Fantasy) (SAVE 23% with this box instead of getting each item separately):
+ the Heroines Box Dark Elves (Fantasy) (SAVE 24% with this box instead of getting each item separately):
+ 22 x 25mm + 1 x 40mm round (for Kraash) bases
+ an additional 13% OFF this exclusive pack!
Collections: - Fantasy, All products, Complete Collection, Dark Elves (DE - Fantasy), Deals, The TGG
Category: Dark Elves (DE - F), Fantasy, Flyers, Flying, Motherhood, Pack, Pack Heroes, Pack Infantry, TGG
Exclusive DARK Elves Multipack with Harpies