Exclusive Lust Elves Pack with Mahleezariah + Mantis - Raging Heroes

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Exclusive Lust Elves Pack with Mahleezariah + Mantis

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Pack includes:

Mahleezariah, Lust Elves Matriarch, an imposing figure standing 75mm tall from the ground to the top of her horns (Retail price: 39.95€)

+ 5 Mantis Warriors TGG2 Ed. Command Group

+ 5 Mantis Warriors TGG2 Ed. Troops

+ the Heroines Box Lust Elves 1 (F/SF):

+ 14 x 25mm + 1 x 40mm (for Mahleezariah) round bases


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Exclusive Lust Elves Pack with Mahleezariah + Mantis

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