Kickstarter Update #73: We're back! - Raging Heroes

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Kickstarter Update #73: We're back!

July 18, 2013 4 min read

 (This is our first Kickstarter update now that we're back, so there's quite a bit of a mish-mash of info here. We'll come back with more details in our next updates.)

We're back!

In fact, we've been back for a few days already, and we've been focussing on re-organizing several aspects of Raging Heroes to properly manage the size of the Kickstarter. We must say that the success of the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy went way beyond our expectations! So, this reorganization is keeping us quite busy for the moment.

We are increasing the size of our sculpting team beyond what we had planned, and are also pushing out some walls to accommodate the new staff. We are also reorganizing the logistics of packing and shipping to increase efficiency and better manage the increased volume.

Being in the middle of this reorganization means we can't provide you with a detailed roadmap of the production for the next 3-4 weeks. However, please know that we are also currently working on finishing all the troops' sculpts, and this is moving along quite briskly. We are also adding new top-level sculptors whose mission will be to handle the most complex heroines. We are pretty happy with how everything is lining up so far.

Paypal Option still available for a short time

As promised, we are keeping our Paypal option open for a few more days to help you finalize your transactions, whether you wanted to spend more that what you could afford by the time the Kickstarter ended, or in case you had a problem paying for your pledge with Amazon, or if you decided to get just a little bit more than you originally intended, or if you forgot to add Shipping, or in response to any other situation that prevented you to take part in the Kickstarter.

Pledge Manager

The final Pledge Manager is not quite ready yet, as we want it to be as efficient as possible for you to make your choices, and for us to be able to suitably manage the orders. As you know, there are many items available in this Kickstarter, and furthermore, the wave shipping system adds a layer of complexity to the project. As there are almost 3000 backers selecting their choices between 100 different items shipped in several waves and you can understand that the management of your order means that we have to set up something pretty much comparable to a full-blown online shop.

Meanwhile, you can use Kenneth Gray's Pledge Calculator to figure out how you are thinking of spending your pledge :)

What's next...

As we told you on the KS video, the possibility of a great result on our Kickstarter would open up new opportunities for you and us. And so it has! Many improvements have now become possible. And we already have some wicked plans for not just one, but two games!

One will be a mass combat rule system, and the other one will be a board game with a unique, very cool and fun setting. 
The board game had been in the back of our mind for over two years. We've already laid out many of its concepts, but we did not have the resources to develop it fully before. This has now become possible and we can't wait to tell you more about it.
The new resources generated by the TGG Kickstarter will also allow us to make these games and their background available to you in a very new, innovative form that will truly enrich the gaming experience.

Many of you have been asking us about our next Kickstarter for the Sci-Fi mass combat game, for the Dark Elves army (image 1image 2) (and also for a Sci-Fi version of them), and for the Sisters of Eternal Mercy army.
Before we make any firm plans about another project, Kickstarter or otherwise, the first thing we want to do is make sure that we release the first wave of the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy as soon as possible. 
Then, if everything goes smoothly, we will decide on what happens next.

What is absolutely certain is that we won't launch any project that could impede the production of the TGG minis that you are waiting for. It is crucial for us that we honor the trust you've placed in us and we will be very careful that nothing gets in the way of that.

At the same time, today, our concept artist is sitting idle and chomping at the bit! His work on the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy is done and he's ready to work on our next crazy ideas. So we need to feed the beast! And the same is true for the game designers we've worked with to lay the foundations of our games in the past few months.

Therefore, we are very much interested in what you guys want most. Of course, the game, the DE army and the Sisters army are all at different stages of development. But understanding more about your interest could help us decide where we should place our focus. Also, even if a project like the Dark Elves is already nearly ready for a Kickstarter, for example, we must also take into account what the competition is doing and what is the best timing for each project to be released. So, your comments and intentions will be appreciated on this.

In the meantime, we hope that you are having a good summer (or winter if you're on the other side of the planet) and are able to enjoy a few days of vacations. We'll be back with a new update next week!

This update and related comments can be also be found on our Kickstarter Updates page.

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