April 08, 2015 3 min read
What an amazing campaign! We are extremely excited about the success of this campaign so far. From the outside, it may seem that since we did around $700,000 with our first Kickstarter TGG1, it was obvious that we'd do the same with TGG2. But hey, this is Kickstarter. Nothing is ever certain :)
What we presented in TGG2 is in some ways much more daring than in TGG1, and we really did not know how you guys would react to that. But you've proven to us that you definitely enjoy and want more creative and, sometimes, more adult designs. And you've also showed us that you yourselves can be quite creative: we have been impressed by the high number of different games and settings you will be using the TGG2 minis in.
It is very rare for a miniatures-only Kickstarter campaign with no game attached reaches such high goals, and it keeps on growing! Thank you again so much for your support, you are truly amazing!
We're now entering the last 24 hours of the TGG2 kickstarter campaign, and we need you more than ever to push it even higher. Typically, there is last-minute “surge” on most campaigns, but we do need YOU to make it happen!
So tell all your friends!
Also, please share the campaign's images: we've got loads of images sprinkled all over theUpdates, or all in one place on Pinterest.
And go to the front page, and check out what's now unlocked, as well as what's coming.
Oh, by the way, you can do a lot to help unlock the minis that you want:
If you hear or see people saying things like “since I'm not sure that some of the minis that I want might not be unlocked, I'm reducing my pledge”, please tell them that this is definitely NOT the way to get unlock minis in this Kickstarter.
Remind them that they have until the last minute of the Kickstarter to revise the value of their pledge.
You are much better pledging the total amount you have in mind if everything you want as unlocked, because this will move the campaign forward and make new unlocks happen.
And this creates a snowball effect, as more unlocks attract more pledgers and higher pledges. And this will make everybody happy in the end :)
Otherwise, people sitting on the fence, lowering their pledge, and fearing that unlocks won't happen create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Backers can always pull back at the last moment if they feel that they won't get what they're looking for.
Look what we got in our mailbox yesterday. This is a work-in-progress sculpt of Silkeeriss, the Dark Elves Hunter Pack Leader (SF). We think she is already truly epic, and we hope you'll feel the same!
The mascots have been a huge success in our TGG1 Kickstarter. In fact, to this day, they are among our bestsellers. Since the beginning, we've wanted to add a little fun to some otherwise very dark universes and stories, and this is how characters like the mascots, the Lulus, the Minions were born. In fact, we definitely plan to have a board game starring all these little characters.
Today's mascot is the vulture of Lady Kashala. Violet is an old lady vulture with precious mannerisms. She has a very high view of herself and looks down on everybody else. Think of the Countess Dowager of Grantham (Downton Abbey) and you'll have a pretty good idea of Violet's character...
Here are new images of concepts in larger size. We are continuing to update our TGG2 Pinterest board as well, where you'll find loads of TGG2 images all in one place to see and share them easily.
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January 06, 2024 2 min read
November 27, 2023 5 min read
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!