April 05, 2015 5 min read
It is really hard to understand the motives behind the actions of the Lust Elves. Do they really have an agenda, or are they just having “fun” playing some very twisted games?
Whatever the answer, a few things can be ascertained about them. For example, they do seem to have some sort of hierarchy, together with some kind of military organisation.
And Vanvyssah is one of their most feared generals.
During the process of sculpting, as we get close to the final version, we very frequently make test prints. And we thought you'd like to get a peak at what's going on now...
Here is one we are pretty satisfied with, although we will likely add a few more touch-ups before we call it complete and ready to go into production. And so, please allow us to introduce the work-in-progress 3D printed Lady Darkryss in Fantasy version.
As we explained earlier, the All Star Boxes for the Daughters of the Orphanage and the Daughters of the Crucible are a unit made of Heroines. So we thought we would tell you more about them..
When they built Cathedra, their original settlement, the life of the people of the Seven Mothers was paradisiac. And for centuries, the Order of Eternal Mercy mainly comprised law-abiding citizens and nobles.
But that was a long time ago. Things changed. When they began colonising other planets and went to war with the Iron Empire, everything became darker. Far away from Cathedra, the Sisters faced new perils and new enemies. Some Sisters started to fight dirty. The farther they were from Cathedra, the less support they received from their hierarchy. And so, many Sisters ended up fighting on their own to protect the innocents.
Facing street gangs, racketeers, corruption, a small group of Sisters went rogue so as to fight back on their own terms. They went underground, switch to less restricting uniforms, and developed a very unique fighting style , using two guns connected by a long chain that they would use as both range and melee weapons.
Despite being disowned by the Ecclesiarchy, they quickly gained a tremendous support from the poor and the weak.
Daughters of the Orphanage (Fantasy)
The Order of the Sisters of the Orphanage, their Fantasy counterpart, grew in the opposite direction.
At first, they were a small religious non-fighting order dedicated to helping the poor and teaching the illiterates. Most of them were organised in small churches and took care of street urchins and orphans, which is how the order became known as the Sisters of the Orphanage.
But when times grew hard, these women, who were mostly teachers, nurses and pacific religious souls were left to fend for themselves. Some got serious about their weapons training and gradually, the order developed into a full-blown knighthood order.
Today, it is a gigantic military force. Yet a few nuns still live among the common people and have maintained their tradition of protecting, teaching and fighting. The All-Star Boxes feature the most famous of them. Their founder was Mother Superior Augusta, a woman you don’t want to mess with. Augusta has now joined the ranks of the Regular forces, but she'll sometime come back and side with her fellow nuns when they are in dire need of extra striking power.
Here are a few new drawings for your viewing pleasure :)
Please note that the weaponry for the Knights of the Chalice are still very much a work-in-progress... We are still debating what kind of weapons they should have, and we'd very much like your input on that. Please keep in mind that the Knight are to be considered as super-heavy troops!
We've been asked several times why, for some units, we are unlocking the Command Groups before the Troopers. There is a very good reason for this.
While this may not be needed, we have planned for the event of the Kickstarter not reaching high enough to unlock both the Command Group and the Troops for certain units: we'll make sure to give the Command Group box a Free Upgrade so that you can customise it either as a Troops box or as a Command Group box.
As we did in TGG1, we have mainly focussed our efforts upon developing characters more than weaponry, because we know that we'll have more time to do this after the campaign. This is especially true for the Void Elves. For the Sisters, we've already begun work on their weapons.
You may or may not have noticed that in TGG1, part of the inspiration for the weaponry came from old motors and locomotives. For example, the KST Missile Launcher design is based on a streamliner train, whereas the Iron Empire Missile Launcher is based on a steam locomotive.
Below, you can see our process for the Sisters' weapons. Our main influence was gothic architecture and the decorative arts. And so, in the weapons themselves, you will find bits and pieces that come from gothic arches, pipe organs, reliquaries, etc. On this image, we've put them next to several TGG1 guns as a reference, and we've even put two of them in the hands of our KST troopers to get a feel for their size and proportion.
If you're not exactly sure if you should choose a Command Group box or a Troops box regarding their weaponry, you'll have plenty of time to make your final choice in the Pledge Manager based on the 3D renders of the final versions.
Add-Ons that you can add to your Pledge. To keep the excitement going, We've planned a few of them for the campaign, so make sure you don't miss tomorrow's Update for a taste of a brand-new Connoisseur pledge, webinars, and more...
Better late than never! We've been so busy with other aspects of the campaign we almost forgot to share with you this series of Avatars you can use to support the TGG2 campaign on KS, your favourite blogs and forums, on Facebook
Here are new images of concepts in larger size. We are continuing to update our TGG2 Pinterest board as well, where you'll find loads of TGG2 images all in one place to see and share them easily.
We had planned to go and pay a visit to the great people of Beasts of War, who kindly invited us to come and chat about TGG2 and our future game plans on their famous Weekender webcast. Unfortunately, as the days went by, we realised that it would take us away too long from the campaign to get ourselves from the South of France to their headquarters. Nevertheless, they did very well without us, in fact, probably better ;)
They perfectly nailed what we are striving for with the Raging Heroes minis. We are very excited about their coverage, so here's a big thank you to the entire Beasts of War team. You'll also see a lot of the TGG1 minis featured in it.
Check it out, you're sure to enjoy it. Plus, they are giving you a chance to win the Raging Heroes Jailbirds box that they review if you comment on YouTube. And if you want to convince other people to join the TGG2 campaign (http://bit.ly/TGG2KSlive) (and unlock more stretch goals), don't hesitate to SHARE their webcast! The Raging Heroes coverage starts at 39m45s.
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January 06, 2024 2 min read
November 27, 2023 5 min read
At Raging Heroes, every army we create starts with carefully chosen ingredients. For the Dark Elves, you've got: Refinement. Elegance. Extreme Evil. Gothic fashion. Japanese Rock bands. Scandinavian fairy tales illustrations from the 19th century. Find out more about your past and future favorites!