UPDATE #91 – A Few Extra Details - Raging Heroes

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UPDATE #91 – A Few Extra Details

June 18, 2014 5 min read

We are now very close to the finish line, and once again, we wanted to thank you for your amazing support! It's so wonderful for us to be in contact with your passion for new characters who just sprung into existence a few months ago, and who already seem to have a life of their own. Thank you very much for that!

We are already thinking about their next adventures, and dreaming of how each of them will grow and evolve in the next coming years... Today, there's only a few sculpts left to finalise, and we look forward to seeing through production and onwards to you.

We are now very excited to be able to start shipping. We really hope you'll love them!

Shipping starting!

As the last ones are finishing their Pledge Manager selection, we are already busy preparing the first packages for shipment! We have loads of TGG girls ready to swarm all over the world!

About the Iron Empire Mecha:

There have been a few remarks that the sculpt was somehow too different from the concepts. While we can understand some of these reactions, we thought it needed some clarification.

First of all, it looks like a mix-up happened with the concept we have been working from. You would not believe how many iterations we went through for many of the Kickstarter characters, and this is particularly true for the Mechas and the Motorbikes. The one-before-last concept for the IE Mecha looked really nice, but we felt that somehow, his head mask did not convey well enough the feel of the Aegyptian background we've been working on. So we asked Alex, our concept artist, to make one final version with a funeral mask that would evoke that feeling. This took place during the Kickstarter campaign itself, and even if we were not 100% happy with the new mask, we felt it was closer to our original intent.

Fast forward several months. We start the sculpting of the Mecha, and we provide this last version of the concept as a guide for the sculptor. When the sculpted mask comes in, as we expected, it looks a bit too flat and boring, and with the Pledge Manager's close fast approaching, we try several options to make it look more tri-dimensional and imposing.

It's only after we got your feedback that we realised that the concept we posted on the Pledge Manager and on the Kickstarter page was not the final version, but the one before that.

So, what to do now? With the 150+ unique sculpts we had to work on, this mishap was bound to happen at least once... Amazingly enough, none of us noticed that we were not using the concept from the Kickstarter page... The good thing is that there have always been 3 heads planned with the Mecha kit, so we are doing the third one identical to the concept that you've all been shown. We could do the 3 heads in the style of the old concept, but other people are also telling us they prefer the new heads (as do we), and we don't want to disappoint anyone, so we'll let the first 2 heads stand.

Also, just to clarify one thing, the 2 heads shown in the past Update are not real faces, but mortuary masks, in the spirit of what is found in ancient Egyptian sarcophagi.

You may also have noticed that we slightly changed the position of the body on the Mecha, as it works much better this way in a tri-dimensional space. We definitely kept and accentuated the feel of the crucified hanging body. And for the many of you who have been wondering, yes, the body is wrapped up like a mummy, just like in the concept.

Finally, as you can imagine, since we want to keep the Mecha models as posable as possible, but since we were also in a rush to show you the sculpt before closing the Pledge Manager, we had to omit a few tubes here and there. Once we have properly cut this model and prepared an articulation system, we'll see if we can put back some of those tubes without creating posing and casting problems.

One last remark that we want to address was concerning a feeling that the IE Mecha weapons might not look aggressive enough. That's very much the reason why we've been avoiding to rush out the presentation of new models since the beginning of the Kickstarter (although we did have to rush the IE Mecha's outing so you could see it in time). We do agree that we can probably give a bit more oomph to this Mecha's weaponry. Once again, we'll see what we can do without disappointing those who like it as is.

Final version of the IE Mecha concept, the one we used for sculpting.Final version of the IE Mecha concept, the one we used for sculpting.

About Ludmilla's leg:

This is actually quite funny... Apparently, some of you are seeing her right leg as a cybernetic prothesis, which was never our original intent. But the sculptor who worked on her first also succumbed to the same optical illusion...

If you look at the concept, you'll see a white stripe running down her lower leg, and it could be interpreted as the space between 2 mechanical elements. In fact, this white stripe is just the reflexion of light on her shiny patent leather boots.

Regarding the Command Group Weapons:

Spotted a few small errors during the making of the update (probably we should eschew the 6AM Updates ….). Nothing serious, though.

First, to clarify our weapons denomination: energy or beam guns/rifles/pistols all refer to the same kind of weapon technology, that is, a weapon shooting a strong energy beam. 

You will notice that on the weapon images we issued yesterday, one rifle was called energy and the other was called beam, but this is basically the same type of weapon. 

Please note that as our upcoming game is currently being developed, these denominations are very likely to change in the future, even if the actual weapons do not.

And a special bonus for you:

Also, you will notice that on the render of the regular KST Regular Command Group, one of the girls is holding a heavy weapon similar to the one that Cruz and Aaqila are using. 

This was also an error on our end, as she should have been holding one of the heavy weapons shown on the Command Group weapon sheet. 

But this is actually good news for you! You will get an additional heavy weapon in the KST Regular Command Group box. It may actually be a Kickstarter exclusive, as we have not yet decided if that big heavy weapons will remain part of the Command Group boxes once they are released to retail.

Top of the world!

As we are now very close to completing the more demanding tasks of this Kickstarter and we feel the excitement of shipping now building up, we are keep getting more and more heartwarming messages from all of you guys! We very much appreciate it, as this year has been so intense and exhausting for the whole team. 

One of the most amazing message we received came in from SinSynn via a blog post 'I Heart Raging Heroes' this week. Not only does he captures what we're attempting to do and stand for, but he's got such a thoroughly funny and enjoyable style that it makes for a great read. Thanks SinSynn!!!

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