5 different customisable Science-Fiction warriors with swappable arms and extra bits, in white metal (Standard Edition) or high quality resin (Collector's Edition).
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Complete your army with the SF Blood Vestals Command Box.
And see the Fantasy Blood Vestals Troops and Command Group.
5 bodies
7 sets of regular weapons: Pistols + Short Swords
5 Face Masks
5 round 25mm bases
All parts are swappable and can be rotated thanks to ball joints.
COLLECTOR'S EDITION (resin) – Limited Quantities
Identical to the metal edition, but cast in high quality resin.
Only small quantities are available each month because of production constraints.
28mm heroic scale, that is, about 31mm to the eyes
Excellent fit with most major Science-fiction games
White metal (or high quality resin for the Collector's Edition)
Buying a Command Box and a Troop Box allows the following combinations:
• A unit of 9 regular warriors + 1 leader
• A unit of 8 regular warriors + 1 weapon specialist + 1 leader
• A unit of 7 regular warriors + 2 weapon specialists + 1 leader
• A unit of 6 regular warriors + 3 weapon specialists + 1 leader
Designed and sculpted by Benoit Guerville with Jean-Romain Barrau.
Collections: - Sci-Fi, All products, Complete Collection, Void Elves (VE - SF)
Category: Infantry, Sci-Fi, Void Elves (VE - SF)
Blood Vestals SF - Troop