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Liligrith, Exsanguinatrix (LE - F/SF)

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This resin mini will work for both Sci-Fi and Fantasy games. Scale is Heroic 28mm.

Liligrith, Exsanguinatrix + 25mm round base.

Also part of the Lust Elves Heroines Box 1.

Due to their physical “deformities”, it is pretty hard for the Lust Elves to pass undetected in a civilian environment. That's where the Exsanguinatrixes come in. These Lust Elves have a much less demonic appearance and they don't carry weapons except for the blades attached to their hair. They don't hesitate to disguise themselves as “normal” people to pass undetected in a crowd. They can move extremely swiftly. But when they let down their hair...