Troops morale: restored!
Ivanka comes with an optional gas mask
and 2 right arms options: sabre or Large Combi Sword.
Meet the rest of the family:
• 28mm scale
• Fits into a regular unit on a round 25mm base (included)
• Resin
• 29mm from floor to eyes
• Her motto, on the back of her coat and in cyrillic characters, means 'Strike the iron while it's hot'.
Video made by our Ukrainian reseller Spellscape
Designed by Nick Hughes and Benoit Guerville. Sculpted by Fausto Gutiérrez López (Yedharo Models). Painted by Catz.
Collections: - Sci-Fi, All products, Complete Collection, Kurganovas (KST)
Category: Hero, Kurganovas (KST), Sci-Fi
Kapitan Ivanka Kurganova (28mm)