Kahn-Urkan, Lord of Shadows - Heroic version - Raging Heroes

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Kahn-Urkan, Lord of Shadows - Heroic version

A customizable Hero Warrior, Demon or Magical Creature for Vampire, Dark Elf, Chaos and other Evil Armies.

Box contains 10 accessories:
5 Weapons (Battle Axe, Longsword, Dark Elven Longsword, Flail, Claw Hand)
3 Heads (Vampire head, Bat/Demon head, Dark Elven Helmet
2 Sets of Shoulders (Light, Heavy).

Choose your wing option in the dropdown menu when you order:
Wings of Thorns  / Bat Wings

Want more? Check out the huge Legendary version of Kahn-Urkan

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Kahn-Urkan, Lord of Shadows - Heroic version

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