August 05, 2017 1 min read 1 Comment
You just came back from holidays and discovered that the WarStages Kickstarter was over ? Or you wanted to pledge but didn’t have the funds available during the campaign?
Fear not, there is a Late Pledge option for you!
Simple: Follow this link, select your pledge and choose your payment option. --> click here for late pledging.
You’ll notice that, at this this, you cannot add an Add-On to your pledge. THIS IS NORMAL.
YOU’LL BE ABLE TO GET ADD ONS once we open the pledge manager, and so to up your pledge once more at that time.
Also MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE to the WarStages Newsletter to be updated about the project’s news and evolutions.
Make sure that you check the campaign page to see how much the original kits have been expanded with many free walls, floors, ruins, furniture and accessories.
Please don’t be shy, if you are unsure about anything, if you would like to know more, or if you just want to say hello, please contact us and we’ll answer any query.
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March 18, 2021 5 min read 2 Comments
So yes, it is true, some of you have already received their WarStages parcels! In fact, as I’m writing this, there are WarStages parcels crisscrossing the country in their last trip to your home if you live in the USA. Read the update to learn what’s happening in the rest of the world... Also, don't miss the assembly videos we prepared for you, or check out the full Playlist on Youtube.
David McGrath
August 08, 2017
Hi guys,
Awesome kickstarter, thankyou so much coming into my life…just a quick question, I want to increase my pledge to include the Daedalus extension kit but I can’t work out how to adjust my pledge…can I just add money during the pledge manager stage?
Kind Regards
Keep up the good work =)x