WarStages Update #33: The Factory Has Reopened!
February 27, 2020Dear Warstager,
We worked with Catherine most of last week-end to ramp up for the opening of the factory printing the WarStages Cathedrals, which happened this week.
This is amazing news!!
Frankly, I never thought they would be allowed to reopen so quickly.
It means that they should print the packaging at the end of this week or early next week and then send us one last set of samples.
Once we approve them (which should be super fast), they will do the full packaging print run and then we will be ready for shipping.
What does it mean?
What it means for sure is that their work should be done very quickly, in a matter of days. We now have to make sure that the printing company for the floor mat has also reopened its factory. If they have, there could be a chance that we could have the floor mat printed at the same time as the Cathedral packaging.
However, we know for a fact that fret transport is still very limited at this time, in and out of China. So there is still that aspect to be considered.
What you can be sure of is that all the Chinese companies need very badly to have their business running at full capacity as soon as possible as the situation has already cost them tons of money.
To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that they would reopen so fast, but at the same time, some reports seem to indicate that China could have passed the peak of the epidemic. If that is the case, it would make sense that the country starts to slowly get back to normal business.
So what's next?
It is too early to really know what is going to happen in the next 15 days.
But we will keep you posted as soon as we get significant news.
At this time, the key to the next stage of the project is shipping. We were waiting for the manufacturing to be close enough to completion so that we could get the number of containers required to ship the Cathedrals. We are still waiting for this info.
Given the backlog in shipping and ports, we are debating whether the best would be to ship directly to our backers from China or getting the container(s) on a boat. Ports are significantly backlogged with the current situation, so it's hard to know what is best at this point. We are therefore working on getting quotes and current information for both scenarios.
Once we have quotes and timing estimates for the various shipping options, we'll share that with you. We will wait for that along with a greenlight from the manufacturers that they are actually ready to ship, before we begin collecting shipping fees and put the final part of the project in action.
If you have any questions, don't forget that the fastest way to get feedback is by contacting us directly at RagingHeroesTeam@gmail.com
Talk to you soon :)