WarStages Update #22 - What's going on in China?
February 04, 2019Dear WarStager,
Hello and Happy New Year!
May 2019 be full of greatness and joy and may you be blessed with a wonderful year!
2019 looks like it’s going to be an awesome year for Raging Heroes, even if it started on a little scare on the WarStages front. Don’t worry, everything is back on track now, but the reason we’ve been so long to send you this update is because after Christmas, we mostly lost contact with our Chinese supplier…
Yes, a Kickstarter project is definitely a non-stop adventure!
Of course, we didn’t want to keep you in the dark, but we also didn’t want to scare you for nothing and so we waited to have the situation completely clarified before sending an update.
So, let me tell you of the Days of High Adventure!
As we explained in the last update, things were bound to be fairly quiet on the production front while our supplier is working on the first stages of the project.
Franckly, it was even quieter than we would have expected: After viewing our files, our supplier asked us to send them a few parts of our own prototypes to better understand some of the assembly systems a week or so before Christmas. We sent a big box full of various pre assembled parts, clips, furnitures, etc.
We knew it would take some time for the parcel to reach them, but after not hearing back from them a few days after the holidays, we contacted them to check things out.
This company is one of the biggest china supplier in the game industry and they are currently working on the biggest current Kickstarter successes. So they are very well established and reputable.
So when we didn’t heard back from them, we were not really scared, but still…
We emailed them several times without getting answer. We were getting a bit nervous because time was passing.
We finally got a message saying that our contact with the company had been relocated to a new office and that she hasn’t seen the parcel herself, but yes it had arrived and she would investigate.
Whew... We felt a bit relieved even if time was running and we were getting closer to the Chinese New Year.
Then, nothing.
We wrote several times and got no answers.
We started to be more anxious. We have been warned by other people who frequently work with China that in Chinese culture, people will tend to avoid saying “no”. So we thought “Ok, she says the parcel has arrived but maybe it’s because she doesn’t want to say “no, it never got there” or that they lost it or that maybe there is some kind of problem they don’t want to tell us about”.
We finally received an email saying that she was sorry for not having answered earlier.
From what we gather, her move to another place in their office have messed things up for her. But also (and that’s where language and culture barrier are hard to deal with) she was waiting for some info from us that she never explicitly asked and so we were somewhat both waiting for each other.
Anyway, everything is now back on track.
But we have lost some precious time because of this miscommunication and now Chinese New Year is on us and they will be in holidays for about 15 days starting the 5th of February. So in that time we’re going to do everything we can to speed things up a bit.
We will have to wait after the Chinese holiday season to get a new planning and of course we’ll update you as soon as we have news.
Happy New Year
After a fairly tough 2018 year on our end, 2019 is starting with tons of great stuff for Raging Heroes.
We have new Miniatures coming and also the TGG game plus many other different things that will make this coming year very special.
Below are just a few of them:
TGG3 Scenery
As we are currently working on the game, we have also been developing some new scenery to go with it. The experience we gained making WarStage has been invaluable to come up with these new elements.
But we have also added a few very new concepts to this next step of WarStages.
It is still a little bit early to tell you more about it, but what we can tell you for sure is that using scenery in a miniature game has never been done this way before. We are very excited about the possibilities these new concepts are opening for the future of the game and for your own enjoyment. It's going to be crazy cool !!
The very first test prints of some KST environment. Much work left to be done
The truth is that after pushing the envelope so far with miniatures by making the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy and then with miniature scenery by creating WarStages, we are now trying to bring the gaming experience itself to a whole new level with our upcoming game, and these new scenery concepts will be a big part of that.
Olga Kurganova standing next to a supercharged Kurgan computer console.
It is frustrating not to be able to tell you more but at the same time, things are evolving so fast with the TGG game that we don't want to reveal anything before we have a finalized version of the project as things might evolve quite a bit until then.
The great thing though is that every time we explain the game concepts and the new scenery ideas to anyone, a big excited grin instantly come to their face.
So we hope it will make you grin too ;)
We are also about to start working on the demo table that we will bring with us at conventions. Of course it will showcase our scenery and game concepts, but it will also be enhanced by a lot of crazy stuff… I'm sure you will like this.
More communication
In the previous update we talked about how we wanted to have a better communication with you. We have been working really hard on that topic.
We are in the process of deploying a new plan so that we can connect with you more frequently and in many different type of formats. This way, you’re sure to find something that exactly suit your needs.
I have just recently started filming some videos answering questions from our painting group on Facebook and I will keep doing more of this kind of stuff. Please tell us if this is something you like.
Here is a very quick video postcard filmed at the Louvre in Paris... with some WarStages stuff.
We are also adding more diverse content to our newsletter, for example to share with you a little bit off our characters back stories or some paint jobs that we really like. We will soon add a little “behind the scene” photos and videos to share with you about how we work on a day-to-day basis.
The first of our characters video, talking about her birth and background
More cool stuff?
But that's not all!
We are about to start working with Unity, the video game engine. To make what?
Well, would you like to visit the cathedral for example?... In fact, there will be much more than that… We will have two new people joining the team in March to work on that with us.
We also have a bunch of completely new, never seen before minis in the pipeline that will soon be released in our webshop.
And some very well known characters will be getting a winter makeover.
Talking about more communication, the tricky thing is: do we share with you every single crazy project we think about and work on? Or do we wait for them to be nearly completed before we say anything? Of course, there is a good chance that a few of these projects will end up being delayed to a later date. And one or two might even never see the light of day or take a completely new form.
But I think we all agree that we all want to share more of the Raging Heroes’ adventures on a day-to-day basis. And so it means that you are going to get exposed to our ongoing craziness and to all the silly ideas that pops up in our over excited minds.
Anyway, 2019 definitely looks like it's going to be full of surprise!
However life also has it downs. Earlier this year we told you about Mireille’s mother’s health problems. Last week, Mireille had to fly urgently to Montreal to take care of her and she'll be away for a while. Obviously, it will impact our schedules and focus in the next coming weeks. And so some of our upcoming projects will have to wait while we focus on one of life's key moments.
We thank you again for having joined us on this crazy project and journeying with us. We'll soon all have our hands on an awesome set of scenery that will have people talking about for a long time to come. Cheers !