These are gorgeous! Photos and video of the new Machines of Theodicy

These are gorgeous! Photos and video of the new Machines of Theodicy

Once again, you'll be blown away when you'll get these models between your hands: our new Machines of Prodigy look so gorgeous in real life! Here are the photos and video to give you a better idea!

Photos of the Machines of Theodicy

1 - Philiah on Pulpit of Expiration

2 - Lumeriel on Pulpit of Culmination

3 - Antesys on Pulpit of Revocation

Turnable video of these 3 new walkers

Painting tips for these mechas

Now your order placed, you're getting ready to start painting them? If you're looking for inspiration, check out this tutorial featuring the 3 previous sister pulpits, the Machines of Prodigy:

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