TGG2 Update #75 – Production & Shipping News + New Photos + Reopening of the Pledge Manager + ...

You might not realise this, but we are just like you. What I mean is that we're not just a company, we're a small bunch of people who gets very excited when new toys are delivered to us. So, when something like the Spider Mother comes out of the 3D printer, or when the very first casts of the Avatar of Shaah and of the War Pulpit show up, it feels a lot like Christmas!

Of course, we designed and sculpted them, so we know very much how they will look like, but nothing beats the experience of having the real thing in hand. And what we can tell you from our present experience is that you're going to love these new models.

Below are photos of all the prototypes we received a couple of days ago. They include the Centaurs SF. We received the Sci-Fi Centaurs prototypes yesterday, and we will receive the Fantasy ones on Friday. This means that these 4 units will be part of the casting schedule starting next week, together with the Avatar and the War Pulpit.

Please note that in the photos below, we have assembled the models quickly, with parts taken straight out of the mould: we did NOT clean, prep, or file any of the parts to achieve a super-tight assembly. When you do this, your models will look even better!

(Click on images for larger size)

We've had questions about what kind of base the Avatar and the Pulpit can be placed on.

The Avatar can fit on a 10 cm base, but will be more comfortable on an 11cm one. To keep her balance, the Avatar will definitely require a base.

The War Pulpit can stand on its two feet and does not require a base. But if you want to make one, it should be at least 8 cm by 3 cm.

(Click on images for larger size)

You may recall that the Centaurs had already been moulded a first time, but their prototypes were not approved, which is why they were pushed to the end of the production queue with the other Monsters&Machines.

We've now approved the prototypes for the Centaurs SF, both the Command Group and the Troops. Each unit has 3 different Centaurs. Below, you'll see that we've assembled 2 of the Command Group and 2 of the Troops.

(Click on images for larger size)

We took this opportunity to label most of the parts with numbers and letters, so that you can easily tell which part is which and where it goes. And we have used a similar system for most of the other large Monsters&Machines.

Now that these kits are ready for manufacturing, what does it mean for you?

The total time of manufacturing the Avatar and the War Pulpit is estimated to be 30 working days, so 6 weeks. A the same time, we are continuing manufacturing the other TGG2 models so that we can fully complete your Rewards Selections.

This means that if what is missing from your Rewards Selection is

  • The Avatar of Shaah

  • The War Pulpit

  • The Centaurs

You can expect a shipment within the next 4 to 8 weeks.

What about the other Monsters&Machines, and the metal casts?

These models:

  • Spider Mother

  • Draahk Chariot

  • Horse Chariot

  • Asharah on Pegasus

are the next in the pipeline. Their production moulds are currently being manufactured, and so we should get the first prototype casts sometime next week.

These kits are required in smaller quantities than the Avatar and the War Pulpit. And also, apart from the Spider Mother, they are simpler models to produce. So a good approximation for production time would be 30 days of production before they can be shipped. That's after the 30 days needed for the Avatar and the War Pulpit. However, let's wait to see the prototypes and get more info from the foundry once the moulds are done to see if we need to revise this estimate.

After that, what will remain is Yscarloth F and SF and the Altar of the Succubi. Yscarloth should be pretty straightforward to produce and will go quickly. The Altar, on the other hand is a complex project. To be on the safe side, let's assume that once the prototype cast is approved, its casting for TGG2 will require another 30 days.

Regarding the metal casts: the foundry will get to those as soon as the production moulds for the Altar have been made. At that time, the master moulder will be freed up and able to focus on the metal production. So the metal production will happen in parallel with the casting of the Altar of the Succubi.

So, overall, with the information we have today, we are looking at shipping the final Rewards at the end of the summer. Of course, we will tweak this estimate as we get more info.

Last chance to get more TGG2!

After our last Update where we showcased images of the Spider Mother, the Avatar of Shaah and the War Pulpit, we received quite a few messages from backers telling us: “Oh, I wish I had picked up those in my Rewards Selection, is too late to add them now?”.

Normally, we would say that it is too late, because of the administrative work involved in reopening the Pledge Manager and combining your past selections with your newly added items. (It may seem like nothing but is is actually quite labour-intensive.) Nevertheless, we've had a lot of requests for this, and we truly want to thank you for your patience on this project.

So, we are reopening the Pledge Manager for a very brief period of time.

Before you go to the Pledge Manager however, please read the following carefully:

You will have 1 week to pick more items from the Pledge Manager. You can add anything you want.

However, the following is very important: When you checkout, you will see that shipping is free. But this cannot apply to everybody. You have 2 options, please correctly choose the one that concerns you:

  • If we still have TGG2 minis to send you: Simply Checkout with Free Shipping; we will combine your new selection with your previous one.

  • If you've already received all of your items from this Kickstarter: then you MUST add an Extra Shipment (Sign In to view link) to your cart before you Checkout. Simply pick the following option: New Shipment (I've already received all my other TGG2 minis). If you don't, your order will have to be cancelled. This new shipment will be sent once other backers have received their models.

By the way, we thought you'd like to know that to take into account the increased size of the Avatar of Shaah , you will notice that we have increased the projected retail price from $95 to $115. Your Kickstarter pricing remains at $65. In the same manner, the projected retail price of the War Pulpit has been increased from $55 to $75, while your Kickstarter pricing remains at $37.

So these 2 items have become pretty sweet deals.

Remember to Sign In to view the minis in the Pledge Manager.

If you have questions, contact us at, we will be happy to assist you.

TGG Terrain Kickstarter Project

We want to thank the 362 responders to our Terrain survey. Below is a snapshot of the results.

If you recall, 1 was Not important and 5 was Very Important. When we look at the % of voters who chose between 3 and 5, we immediately see what matters to you:

Ranked between 3 and 5 for

  • Look and Sexiness: 99%

  • Value for Money: 97%

  • Bigger is Better: 74%

  • No Modelling Required: 49%

  • No need to Paint: 35%

You've also added comments regarding playability, avoiding closed inaccessible rooms, etc. Be assured that this is very important for us too.

We've spent a lot of time on the design. It was a very tough challenge to keep true to the spirit of the concepts we had AND make it playable AND make it for a price that would work for everybody. But in the end we think we have come up with something truly special.

We've also scoured the market to get you the best value for money. We closely looked at the industry as well to make sure that we would provide you with a competitive alternative. In fact, we changed and adjusted the project several times as we discovered new production solutions in order to give you the best bang for your buck.
As much as we wanted to go for resin at first, it quickly became obvious that the end product would be way too expensive in the end, even if we had great quotes. We also didn't want to keep you waiting too long for your scenery once the campaign would be over. We want to be able to deliver quickly.
So after many considerations, we went in a different direction. But instead of telling you, we prefer to show you the end result.

As for bigger is better, we see that this is important, but we also understand that some don't always have as big a gaming space as they'd like, or simply prefer more intimate settings. For this reason, we will be offering kits of different sizes. In fact, you'll be able to mix and match the kits to make your sets bigger or smaller according to your needs.

We are building prototypes this week, and can't wait to have images to show you. Stay tuned!

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